This is so helpful for me, as I just decided two days ago to delete FB and Instagram for the rest of the year. I have felt so "twitchy" about it, but I keep reminding myself of what I need to lean into when I feel the urge to check my feeds, and it's real life relationships, not little squares on a screen.

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Oh my gosh, I love this so much! I resonate with many of these posts, especially the experience of having substituted Instagram connection for real life connection. My first couple of weeks off challenged me to confront the ways I was feeling isolated and alone in life, which then propelled me to be more intentional about reaching out to loved ones and planning in-person time together. It's amazing how being on social media gives this illusion of intimacy, but leaves us feeling so depleted and alone.

Wow, yes, more of this! It's so empowering to take back control of our attention.

Thank you for inviting us on this journey with you, Ashley!

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I mean... 😳

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The best social media break ive ever taken! Your emails really helped. 🖤

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I am genuinely glad that this is working so well for everyone! I hardly use FB, and take regular breaks from IG, the most recent being almost 2 months. I was hoping for the miraculous mental health improvement and increase in time to make art, but that simply didnt happen. The only thing it's shown me is that my issues are way deeper than social media, lol. I still have kids that fight non-stop, and a son who is literally Denis the Menace. Guess i need to address my actual parenting failures... and I really need to unfollow EVERYTHING, including thigs like this that remind me just how abnormal an unrelatable my existence is.

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