I'm currently looking at a blank space on my office wall, because one of my bulletin boards (that is tacked with sticky notes about writing/Bible verses/pics of my kids/etc.) fell down months ago. The board is sitting on the top of my dryer, which I walk past approximately 43 times a day, and I think, "I should hang this back up." Then I think, "I'll do this later, I'm not sure where the Command Strips are."

*** HOLD THE PHONE. THE COMMAND STRIPS ARE LITERALLY IN MY DESK DRAWER NEXT TO ME. I'll be back. Going to hang up bulletin board.

And done... that took 45 seconds.

Thanks for this post, Ashlee.

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Mine is eerily similar, in that I needed gorilla glue to fix something that had been bothering me for about 4 months. While dusting in June I knocked over my favorite Willow Tree figurine of a mother holding a small child, and the child’s head popped off 😳 In fairness, I was 38 weeks pregnant at the time and then obviously had a newborn (+ 2 toddlers) to take care of. Apparently I have a reputation for putting off tasks like this because my father asked while visiting the new baby, “Do you think you’ll have it fixed by Christmas?” 🤦🏻‍♀️ Yes, Dad, I even had it fixed by Halloween!

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I took all the bulk grains and seeds and what nots out of the bags that say they’re resealable but never quite reseal and put them in clear bins that fit perfectly in the in a pantry drawer and now sometimes I just go open that door for a quick dopamine hit.

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Ok, so this took longer than 3 minutes, but I hadn't been able to see the surface of my dresser for MONTHS (at least all of 2022, maybe longer). I had clothes my daughters had outgrown, papers from their school, socks without matches, and all manner of randomness. I saw it every day, stressed about it every day, and continued to ignore it because cleaning it off just seemed too hard. But last week I had a couple days off work, so I stared down that dresser and conquered it. Bedlam turned to beauty in easily less than half an hour. I even found an earring I'd been missing! Wanting someone else to relish in my fantastic feat, I texted my mom a picture and said, "This used to be covered with stuff!" Her only reply? "I remember." Oh well, it looks amazing! 

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Ashlee Gadd

So relatable! Mine is less of a visible to all task but something that was haunting my inbox- until last night, when I finally sat down with my husband and finished the foster application that I started filling out four months ago. The relief I felt when hitting "send" on that email was like a load off of slumped shoulders - I swear I am sitting taller today, as I read your words on a work break :) Nothing like the feeling of checking an outstanding item off of the mental/physical to-do list.

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Love this--I organized my kids swim ribbons from the summer yesterday. It had been on my to-do list since July but I just kept putting it off for no good reason. Took less than 10 minutes to sort out which belonged to which kid and put them on a binder ring so they can flip through or display them and the kids were SO excited to see their ribbons! Hooray for checking off those little tasks that linger on our to-do lists for an unreasonably long time!

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Haha I love it! Our brains are so full that we just don't always think of the right things at the right time! So frustrating but I'm glad you can make it sound humorous 😁👌🏻 I have it with little things I need to do. I think about them at the totally wrong time and then when I do *finally* get to it, it always takes way less time than I ever imagined 🙈

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The small wins can definitely make a big impact, and you did it!

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BRAVO. Slow clap. You. Did. It. This delighted me and reminded me of your piece about fixing the broken faucet.

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Oct 23, 2022Liked by Ashlee Gadd

Yessss!! I so relate to this! It’s happened so many times! Of course I can’t think of an example right now but I will definitely think of ten while I’m in the shower or driving to work. 😂

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The centerpiece photo in our family gallery wall is currently sideways because I’m planning to update what used to be a family photo (from our wedding) with a newly increased family photo (from our son’s newborn shoot… taken nearly 9 months ago 🙈), but the current photo is landscape and the new one will be portrait, so I turned the frame from landscape to portrait to make sure I wouldn’t have to redo the rest of the gallery wall… and apparently can’t be bothered to temporarily turn the frame back or, you know, actually order the new print to update the wall. 😂

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Ashlee, I LOVE this story!! I recently replaced a broken frame on the gallery wall in my office that has been broken for oh at least 3+ months... but more emberrassing. I have an office space for the first time in years that I hadn't used/cleaned out since graduation (August) when we had to treat our home for pests this summer, need i mention this was during finals of the summer semester- 2 weeks from graduation (I had to get everything off the floors/baseboards in the whole house by 8am) that morning, and that same day drove 3 hrs to get on a flight I knew about for less than 24 hours with no carry on literally my purse, medicine, makeup and underwear lol but that is a story for another day. But anyways since August I have stared at the wall with the broken frame, and the desk piled high with books, furniture etc and walked by it.. annoyed.frustrated. and kept working at my kitchen table until last week I set a timer, vaccumed, dusted, fixed the broken frame, and cleared off the desk top. Now I am back in my office, with a cleaned off desktop, and a wall without the broken frame. I clean my kids room like everyday, my kitchen like a thousand times a day, but it took me 3 months to clean my office/desk? I've never read anything more relatable in my life, thanks for this!!

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Oct 20, 2022Liked by Ashlee Gadd

For me, it’s the two boxes of random stuff leftover from moving to a new house A YEAR AGO still sitting in a corner of our bedroom. I hate it being there, but I also hate the thought of picking through a bunch of unrelated things and making decisions to toss/keep/give away for each and every thing. It’s basically my version of your tiny storage closet 😵‍💫

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