That Galatians study! I loved that little nugget. Besides now being very hungry, I am also so happy to get a little glimpse into God’s extravagant love in your life.

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I don't know that I have ever fully articulated to you, or any of the women, just how transformative that study (and all of our studies!) were for me. So please consider this a VERY belated thank you for your leadership during that time. God used it. Mightily. ❤️

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This was such a treat to read, as if we were somehow in Italy with you. Thank you!

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Aug 7Liked by Ashlee Gadd

Just, wow!

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This was so beautiful and enjoyable to read, Ashlee! What an experience, and your photos are gorgeous!

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Thank you, Sheri!

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Mmm… I love every morsel of this. Your words are like manna for the rest of us. “But mostly I will tell them how God scooped me up in his wheelbarrow of grace for the millionth time, reminded me to taste and see that He is good, and returned me home in slightly better shape.”

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Thanks for reading, friend ❤️

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I enjoyed all of this but somehow loved the shout-outs at the end!

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Aug 2Liked by Ashlee Gadd

This gave me goosebumps ❤️

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David and I went to Italy eight years ago to celebrate him graduating law school and getting through the bar exam, and we had a meal in Bologna that we still talk about regularly! Thank you for letting me re-live some of my own memories through yours, and for your reflection on grace and extravagance ❤️.

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I love that you took such an amazing trip to celebrate such a huge accomplishment!

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I love what you said about grace, Ashlee, and I can really relate. In grad school, I wrote my dissertation on grace in couples therapy, creating a way to teach it to couples in therapy and measuring how it changed them. The experience profoundly changed me. Like you, somehow I made it 26 years as a Christian, steeped in Christian culture, before really internalizing the extravagant, unmerited nature of God’s grace. It healed me of much of my performance-based perfectionism and my disillusionment with the prosperity gospel. I decided if I had a daughter, I would name her grace, and six years later my daughter Grace was born. She reminds me to give others grace and that nothing I do can earn more or less of God’s favor, just as nothing she does can make me love her more or less. 💜

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Wow. Love this, Camden. Thanks for sharing ❤️

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Also in my dissertation defense (a big presentation that determines if you “passed”), my professor asked me for examples of grace in the couples I worked with. I started crying. Crying in my academic presentation! His response was, “that’s grace. That’s the only response to grace.” Awe and gratitude bringing us to tears.

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Aug 2Liked by Ashlee Gadd

It all sounds amazing. What an experience and what beautiful words and photos that came out of it 😍 so glad I could read this, Ashlee!

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Aug 2Liked by Ashlee Gadd

Just beautiful ❤️ the food, the incredible photos, and especially being reminded of God’s extravagant grace and the *joy* that we have in Christ. So, so happy that you and Brett had this opportunity!

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Is it weird to say that I want to swim in this post? Every minute of it was so delightful, and of course I will read anything set in Italy any day of the week--especially when it includes lavish descriptions of food. But when you started talking about your legalistic upbringing and learning about God’s grace--it was so beautiful. Would love to hear more on that evolution :). Also...what a gem of a literary agent you have!! Thank you so much for sharing this.

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Thanks for reading, Christy ❤️ So much to unpack, so little time 😜🫠

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Aug 2Liked by Ashlee Gadd

So glad you had this opportunity! Loved reading this.

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I feel tipped out of the wheelbarrow after savoring your beautiful words and breathtaking photos. What a good and generous Father we serve. I cried at the end because I genuinely feel so happy for you that you and all of these other special people were able to connect and encourage one another. It’s neat to see many of the people who have encouraged *me* throughout the years all in one photo!

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That is how I felt being there with all of them!

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Aug 2Liked by Ashlee Gadd

❤️ this was amazing to listen to and see the pictures. I did a summer study abroad in Florence so it definitely holds a special place in my heart.

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This was so beautifully written! My husband is from Italy, much further south than Florence but the slowness, to savor, to live, laugh, be present is something you can only appreciate when you go! God bless you !

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