Jan 18Liked by Ashlee Gadd

Gosh, this post hit hard. I have been following along for six years. My first baby was two and I was pregnant with our second. You have had a deep, profound impact on my motherhood. It has been such a gift to bear witness to the art you have put into the world. I hope to linger until the very end. Thank you.

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Jan 18Liked by Ashlee Gadd

100% to all of this!! I found coffee and crumbs right before I had my first baby, 4 1/2 years ago! Can’t imagine my motherhood without this incredible community ❤️

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Jan 19Liked by Ashlee Gadd

I couldn’t agree more! I found Coffee + Crumbs when my oldest (who turns 9 next month) was a newborn and we were struggling through those early days. For all these years, through the good and the bad, Coffee + Crumbs has been there and I’m so grateful for it.

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Jan 18Liked by Ashlee Gadd

Well, now I'm crying. It's past 10pm, my toddler refuses to go to sleep (even though he hasn't napped in 2024), and I'm crying. I don't want to think about living, let alone mothering, in a world without C+C. You and your team at C+C have encouraged me in ways I cannot begin to explain. I have felt seen. known, and loved because of Coffee+Crumbs. Ashlee, I will linger over every magazine, essay, post, newsletter, podcast, etc. well past 2am. Not in a creepy Fred way, but in a I just want to soak up every last drop of encouragement from this amazing group of women way. Okay. Maybe that is creepy. By the way, did you do something different with your hair? 😉

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Jan 18Liked by Ashlee Gadd

I knew logically this time for C+C would come, and I feel simultaneously sad for myself & all the moms who will miss this safe space you've created AND so incredibly thankful for all C+C has been to us. I will most certainly linger until the last word ❤

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Came here to say this and found that you expressed EXACTLY what I wanted to say.

I've been reading C+C for six years, since I became a mother. It has changed the way I mother and inspired me to get my brave on and write myself. Thank you for putting yourself on the wild, wild internet to encourage women. I will also linger until the last word!

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Checked my email right before bed and I’m so glad I did. This is stunning💛

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Jan 18Liked by Ashlee Gadd

I can’t lie and say my heart didn’t sink a bit reading this, but it also swelled with the same joy I feel every time I read your words! You continue to inspire me in so many ways, Ashlee. I can’t wait to see what’s to come!

Sidenote: my husband is a pest control technician and the delight on his face when I read that entire part was something else! He’s 100% the Dominic but he absolutely works with some Fred’s and we both got a good laugh out of that story 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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I started listening to the podcast at 19, when I found out I was pregnant and had no one to talk to. You have joked about podcast listening in the early years and pretending they are your friends, and that is exactly what I did.

My little turns 5 in ten days and I can say with certainty that space you created has shaped my motherhood experience in a profound way. From pregnancy to birth experiences to PPD/PPA and all of the nuances that accompany motherhood as we grow. C+C was one of the first places I found comfort in many moments. It is all holy work, and you created an incredibly sacred space.

I am a little heartbroken to read this, but I am more so proud to have been a witness to it all. And I look forward to lingering here until the last word.

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This was beautiful. Reminded me of the quote, “we’re all just walking each other home.” As far as c+c, I’m here to linger <3

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Ashlee, this post is quintessentially you in the very best way. I'll always linger on your words, friend. Wherever they take you.

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I dream of sinking into cushions and talking of dreams late into the night with like minded women! Lingering is so nice!

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Jan 18·edited Jan 20Liked by Ashlee Gadd

I read this last night, but didn't have the words to properly articulate my thoughts. (Let's be honest, I still don't.) 😉 This is beautiful, Ashlee. I'm so grateful to you and your vision, for the words from C+C, to the women on the team who I call friend, to my own words having a home in the space you created (those essays will always be my favorite). I'm so grateful that Rachel let us linger at her house, because we knew it was the final goodbye, and no one was ready for the night, the weekend, to end. But, endings aren't always the end, sometimes it's a new beginning. 💛

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Jan 18Liked by Ashlee Gadd

Continually grateful for your example and intentionality in how you discern and make decisions. I’m again inspired. You’ve led C&C in ways no one else was/is on the internet by going slow, taking sabbaticals, making art and not just content and I’m a grateful recipient of that beauty. I’ll be here lingering as long as this beautiful space exists and will cherish this season and your words as long as you write them for us to read. ❤️❤️

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I truly felt a gut punch as I read this. But not in a “disappointed in you for “quitting”” kind of way, but an “I totally knew this would happen someday, but nonetheless it will leave a gaping hole in my life and I’m pretty heartbroken about it.” I’ve had a note on my mind I’ve wanted to write you for a while, so I’ll save my gushing for that, but for now I just want to acknowledge and pay tribute to the community and culture you’ve helped build around motherhood, and for that I feel eternally grateful. Needless to say, I’ll be lingering until the very last moment! Thank you for sharing your heart and life with us all.

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Beautiful. Just beautiful!

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My heart started to sink as I realized where this post was going. I read it holding my 6-week-old as I listen to my almost 2-year-old babble in the dark because apparently he didn’t want to nap today. I’ve followed C+C since I became a mother almost two years ago and your writing for longer. I listened to every podcast and am always delighted when another one drops. I love reading the beautiful stories shared each season. I’m so grateful for you and this space you’ve created, and I will be so, so sad when it’s gone. Thank you for your beautiful writing and the inspiration, balm, and encouragement you and C+C have been to so many of us. 💕

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Jan 18Liked by Ashlee Gadd

I may be new, but I feel like I have been here since the beginning! I’ve listened to just about all of the podcasts and will finish the rest sooner than later! I have the book, I have the magazine I share your podcast with all who will listen. Thank you for helping me during some hard times! Thank you for your writing, your wisdom and your honesty! I will linger as long as C & C is around.

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Jan 19Liked by Ashlee Gadd

One of my favorite pieces you have ever written, Ashlee. Your words and C+C have spoken straight to my heart since 2016, and I will linger to the very end. 🤟

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