Just want to say that my oldest is almost six and a half. Coffee and crumbs has never disappointed me. Not once in all of my years of mothering. Coffee and crumbs has been the mentor mom I didn't have, the middle of the night nursing session companion and the burst of encouragement while unloading the millionth load from the dishwasher (or dryer or any other mondaine but vital task) through out these years. Thank you for sharing your talents and your stories... Please don't end too soon!

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I second this! And I share coffee and crumbs with every mom i know

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This is so kind, Seanna 😭 I was not trying to fish for compliments in this post, but I'll receive this ❤️😉 Appreciate you!

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I told my college best friend that we are pregnant with our third and after the congratulatory texts she adds in one line, “You are fully equipped.” Somehow that right there made me want to simultaneously bawl my eyes out and be brave enough to believe that I am indeed fully equipped.

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What a fantastic line. Tucking this in my pocket to dole out on others!

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I love this quote from Emily P. Freeman in A Million Little Ways. It reminds me that small kindnesses are what get us through:

"How many times have we been rushing through the day, weary from the world, grieving a loss we didn't even know we were grieving, and all it takes is for a stranger to offer to carry our bags from the baggage carousel to the curb and we break down as if they offered to buy us a house or bring our loved ones back from the dead?"

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Wow. I haven't read that book in a while but I love this quote. Thanks for sharing, Cindy!

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Agreed with the comment about C+C never disappointing. My son will be 10 in Feb and I discovered C+C immediately before I became pregnant with him, after my miscarriage. C+C has supported me more than I can describe. Every post and podcast episode and magazine and newsletter is a welcomed surprise in my day. Small thing that is actually not a small thing/ my husband returned home after 2.5 weeks on a work trip and said, “it is not lost on me that I get to come home to this place” ❤️❤️❤️

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Emily thank you for your kind words about C+C. And oh man, I love that comment from your husband!

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I walked out of a parent-teacher conference and was overcome with tears and all.the.feelings from the realization of what struggles my child is going to likely face for the rest of their life. Ran into a different child's teacher who asked me if I needed to debrief. She fully listened to me spill my heart and told me that she would be putting gold stars in my child's next folder home - for me to use for myself, not for my child.

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😭 Love this.

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This was beautiful. #3 really got me today. I am so tired of people using the name of Christ to rant, dismiss, and misrepresent any culture/religion/person who is different from them. To me, THAT is taking the Lord's name in vain.

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We eat lunch together at church, a woman older than I held our 3month old the entire lunch. I ate food & drank coffee while she enjoyed baby snuggles. Like you said, it’s the little things!

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That is what we call a win-win. ❤️

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A relative-by-marriage once shared a post on FB all about the so-called anti-Christian "evils" of Yoga. "Yoga?" I think. "You mean the place where I regularly encounter the Divine?" Part of me shrugs and half-laughs. The other part of me feels a profound sadness for them, because I think that would be a difficult way to view and move through the world.

Love all of these little big things.

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Oof, I feel this.

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This was so encouraging! I had a sit-by-the-river girlfriend date today, and I was feeling nauseous knowing she would ask me how I’m really doing (because I knew I hadn’t admitted to myself how I actually was). I cried giving my answer, and I was reminded what it means to be fully seen and accepted. Friendship can be such a gift ❤️

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Asking and answering that question (how are you *really* doing) is A Big Thing.

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I have been reading coffee and crumbs since 2014 and you guys have never ever once let me down ❤️❤️❤️

Number 3 is oof. Christians on the internet... I love what Sharon McMahon says about this -

Make room for the idea that right now, at this very moment, you are creating a digital legacy for yourself that will survive forever. What do you want it to say? @sharonsaysso


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Woooow. I love that concept.

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Off of social media for years now but still following along here :) thanks for what you do!!!

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Thanks for reading, Sarah! ❤️

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Finally, FINALLY finding a gluten free cinnamon roll recipe our whole (recently diagnosed with Celiac) family loves.

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You can't say that and not share it! Girl, drop a link! 😜

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I’m a Christian Yoga Instructor. Thank you for this beautiful post and I will be asking my class to greet and look out for their neighbors in class tomorrow 🧘🏽‍♀️

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Wish I could come take one of your classes!

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Really love this, Ashlee. Mine is my friend Celeste driving out to walk with me this weekend. After a week with sick kids, an hour spent moving my body and catching up was such a gift.

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Beautiful and meaningful as always. [Also, I can tell that the most "offensive" content I get demonized for sharing by my "sisters in Christ" slipping into my DMs are when I share about how yoga is healing my trauma and helping me connect with God.]

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Oof. I believe it.

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Whew, that’s a true word about your yoga studio showing more love to neighbors than that Christian influencer. Amen.

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